Is my personal data safe with OKOMO?

Security and privacy is OKOMO's top priority.

All media traffic is encrypted in transit (in transfer) and in storage (at rest), regardless of the endpoint you use (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) or the call option you choose (video call, audio call, screen share). This means that you are safe with OKOMO even if they use it with a public hotspot.

Audio and video calls as well as screen transfer are end-to-end encrypted and therefore tap-proof.

All data transfer is protected using https protocol (TLS) and transmitted in a secure way. If you click on the lock symbol at the top left of the URL bar in your browser, you will receive further information about the encryption. 

All data you provide, e.g. during registration, login, chat or call, will be stored encrypted by OKOMO and will not be disclosed to third parties at any time. If you delete the registered company, an expert or an interaction, they will be irrevocably deleted from the OKOMO servers.

Please note that OKOMO has no control over what the company or expert you contact does with the data. Experts/companies commit themselves according to the OKOMO terms and conditions to careful and conscientious data storage and processing.

Both parties (expert/company and customer) agree to the privacy policy by using OKOMO.