

These companies in the services & administration industry build on the human factor and use the virtual OKOMO widget for the most personal online interactions.

Dienstleistungsbranche & Organisationsbranche Logos
  • Dienstleistungs-Slider



  • Dienstleistungs-Slider1
  • «For our website visitors, it is useful and easy to reach out to us for a discussion using video or chat. The use of OKOMO as an innovative communication tool is very reliable.»

    - Christian Schätz, Head of Marketing & Sales, PSYMA GROUP AG -

  • «Thanks to OKOMO, distance to my wedding couples is irrelevant. The preliminary discussions and detailed arrangements take place as naturally as if we were sitting face to face. I can invest the travel time saved in the creative writing of my speech.»

    - Melanie Halpaap, Freelance Wedding Speaker, Der Rede Wert -

More authentic discussions

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