How can I determine which experts should appear on which subsites on my website?

Instruction on how the expert assignment works

As an administrator, you can determine which experts should be displayed for your website and all subpages. Take this step as soon as all experts have activated their profile. To do this, go to the Admin Portal and select Configuration -> Expert assignment.


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1. assign experts to main page

Your start page is already set as default (main page). Click on the pencil icon on the right side to get to the settings.

On the main page, all experts that have activated their OKOMO profile are automatically displayed. If there are experts you do not want to appear on the main page, you can hide them by clicking on Exclude.

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Further down you will find the setting for proactive customer approach feature, a pop-up which is displayed after 60 seconds to promote the live consultation and increase interactions. This feature is activated by default. More information about the feature can be found here

2. assign experts to sub-pages (landing pages)

To display only certain experts on a sub-page or landing page, click Add URL to assign experts.

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Firstly, give the URL a name to make it easier to identify. Let's take the support page as an example: we want to display only support experts on the support page/helpcenter. Name the page as Support, then we enter the URL of the Helpcenter.

Now the experts can be selected either by using the filters or manually by clicking on include or exclude.

As a last step we can activate and configure the proactive customer approach. You can find more information about this feature here.